At Cathedral Rock, Sedona, AZ

At Cathedral Rock, Sedona, AZ

Quote from Into the Wild

If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

45 Day Countdown

So here we are less than 45 days from departure of Owensboro for our Great World Adventure. Many tasks have been accomplished over the harvest months in order for us to travel stress free for a year. The first major undertaking was our garage sale which grossed over $600. This mission had two purposes; one, get rid of unwanted/unneeded belongs and second, generate cash for our trip. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED with overwhelming success. Just for reference: one night (private room, private bath) at a popular hostile in Thailand = 80 bot. American Dollar $1 = 30 Bot. Our profits could cover room charges for approximately 220 nights in Thailand!

We finished up the last round of immunizations needed and the most painful part was shelling out another $200 bucks. Afterwards, Todd and I stopped at Thai Cruise which is this charming authentic Thai restaurant off the main strip in Evansville, IN. Joe, the owner was from Thailand himself and spent a great deal of time at our table discussing his/our travels. We were extended a warm invitation to visit him again for other Thai lessons and we've already setup a date.

All profits and shots aside the blessing I'm most grateful for is the leasing of our home. Leaving the house unoccupied for a year was not an option and the seller’s market is down; this was one "T" that had to be crossed before we could go anywhere. As fate would have it of course, the house did rent with no problems and the new tenants moved in on the 15th of October. As for us, we moved in with Tom and Janice Millay aka Todd's parents!

The accommodations are quite nice. One bedroom, one bath at the opposite end of the house so it’s really like a private living quarters. I am excited to kick back for a few months before our trip and relax. I plan to read some good books, visit my family and friends and enjoy not having the responsibilities of a home to manage.  With forty five days to go before we say goodbye to our life in Owensboro,  I can say I'm more excited than nervous and all arrows are pointing to "GO!"

Attached are a few pictures taken over the last couple of months

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